terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017

Explaining neuro-reconnection in a simple way - A new scientific term

With this text, my intension is to coin a new term in Psychology and Neuroscience, the neuro-reconnection, by several ways to work with psychotherapy. The cure and/or benefits obtained from psychotherapies aim an emotional improvement of patients, to have their job, social and personal lives back, increase or decrease of neural circuits, new memories, changes in the dynamic of brain blood flow, etc., phenomena regarding neuroplasticity, changes from micro to macro order in brain, i.e., patient’s effective behavior before their lives. This is the neuro-reconnection with full life by brain changes.

Wordkeys: neuro-reconnection, neuroscience, neuroplasticity, psychology, behavior.

Psychology studies behavior. Whether it might be animals or humans, it tries to understand the reason for each reaction before one or more several situations. Which is the answer? What is it/he going to do? Why did it/he do it? These questions are a very small sample of range of this subject, not considering the other areas it may acts, and only some of them are for humans: social, politics, corporate ones.

When you look at a person, you are analyzing his/her behavior, even you’re not a scientist. Take this example: the person is sitting in a chair in a subway station; it means he/she is waiting for someone or stopped to take a rest.

The scientists are worried with more complex behavior: why is the person so depressed? Why does a boy get too anxious before a girl?

Everything which is visible for humans has a correspondent in brain level from brain working or neural network. It seems simple, but it doesn’t. We have almost 100 billion of neurons; so, we have several networks which produce more complex behavior. Visible behavior. And these networks depend on substances named neurotransmitter to fulfill the lacks between the neurons for a nerve impulse goes through by neurons. This is called synapses and if a person doesn’t have these neurotransmitters, he/she will have troubles.

The neurotransmitter noradrenalin influences on our pleasure, happiness, humor, self-confidence, enthusiasm and alert state. Serotonin interferes in the impulsivity, aggressiveness, in sexual behavior and in pain (1).

So, in simple way, what occurs in micro level reflects on our macro behavior or, simply, behavior. Chemical reactions…

A depressed person is sad, he/she doesn’t have any energy to have a normal life. He/she stays on bed for hours, without hungry, without enthusiasm with life. As doctor Drauzio Varella said “On depression, the ‘existence’ is an unbearable millstone.” (2) There is a “softer” depression, although it’s not worth to explain its details here. It’s important to know the need of medicines and therapies in order to help depressed people. Religious practices also help to weaken this disease. Many people have overcome this situation after several losses (material and/or loved ones) when participating on worships, masses, meetings, etc., activities linked to their religion, and they have had their normal life back.

I’m talking about depression, but therapies, medicines (and here it’s possible to include psychiatry) and religious practices may help people to recover from several emotional troubles, because these actions also interfere on brain working.

See that emotional troubles, from softer to most severe ones, may have a great impact on people’s lives: the depressed person doesn’t work, doesn’t talk with, and people who live around him/her may feel the negative impact on their lives. As I mentioned, the treatment performs a new connection with society, a reconnection from improvements from inner states of brain, consequently, improving person’s macro behavior or, once more, behavior.

This is the neuro-reconnection I’m talking about.


1 – Available in: “A depressão tem tratamento” [Treatment for Depression]. <https://www.saiadoescuro.pt/causas/5.htm>. Accessed in 3/7/2017.

2 - Available in: “Estresse e depressão” [Stress and depression].
<http://drauziovarella.com.br/drauzio/estresse-e-depressao/>. Accessed in 3/7/2017.

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